Here are various papers that may be of interest:
Reading Scripture
Deryn Guest, ‘From Gender Reversal to Genderfuck: Reading Jael through a Lesbian Lens’
Muhsin Hendricks, ‘Islamic Texts: A Source for Acceptance of Queer Individuals into Mainstream Muslim Society‘
Pro-queer arguments based on the study of scripture
John Perry, ‘Gentiles and Homosexuals: A Brief History of an Analogy‘
John F. Wirenius, ‘Swallowing the Camel: Biblical Fidelity, Same-Sex Marriage and the Love of Money‘
Same-sex marriage
Robert E. Goss, ‘Challenging the Procreative Privilege: Equal Rites‘
Anglican sexuality politics
Ross Kane, ‘Tragedies of Communion: Seeking Reconciliation amid Colonial Legacies‘ (from Anglican Theological Review)
Joanna Sadgrove, Robert M. Vanderbeck, Kevin Ward, et al, ‘Constructing the boundaries of Anglican orthodoxy: An analysis of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)‘
Religious women in a patriarchal environment
Elizabeth Weiss Ozorak, ‘The Power, but Not the Glory: How Women Empower Themselves Through Religion‘
Mandy Robbins, ‘Clergywomen in the Church of England and the Gender Inclusive Language Debate‘