Other readings

Here are various papers that may be of interest:

Reading Scripture

Deryn Guest, ‘From Gender Reversal to Genderfuck: Reading Jael through a Lesbian Lens’

gay midrash by Andrew Ramer

Muhsin Hendricks, ‘Islamic Texts: A Source for Acceptance of Queer Individuals into Mainstream Muslim Society


Pro-queer arguments based on the study of scripture

 James Alison, ‘Clothed in his Right Mind’ from Alison’s Faith Beyond Resentment: Fragments Catholic and Gay (to understand this article, it is important to have some knowledge of René Girard’s anthropology. Please read at least this passage taken from Des Choses cachées depuis la fondation du monde).

John Perry, ‘Gentiles and Homosexuals: A Brief History of an Analogy

John F. Wirenius, ‘Swallowing the Camel: Biblical Fidelity, Same-Sex Marriage and the Love of Money


Same-sex marriage

Robert E. Goss, ‘Challenging the Procreative Privilege: Equal Rites


Anglican sexuality politics

Ross Kane, ‘Tragedies of Communion: Seeking Reconciliation amid Colonial Legacies‘ (from Anglican Theological Review)

Joanna Sadgrove, Robert M. Vanderbeck, Kevin Ward, et al, ‘Constructing the boundaries of Anglican orthodoxy: An analysis of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)


Religious women in a patriarchal environment


Elizabeth Weiss Ozorak, ‘The Power, but Not the Glory: How Women Empower Themselves Through Religion

Mandy Robbins, ‘Clergywomen in the Church of England and the Gender Inclusive Language Debate