Scholarly papers

Students will comment scholarly papers in class from the following list. Guidelines on how to make such a commentary are available here.

1. Gays and lesbians claiming a place in their religious environments and traditions

A1. Andrew Yip, ‘When Religion Meets Sexuality: Two Tales of Intersection‘ (2015).

A2. Eric M. Rodriguez and Suzanne C. Ouellette, ‘Gay and Lesbian Christians:Homosexual and Religious Identity Integration in the Members and Participants of a Gay-Positive Church‘ (Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, September 2000, Vol. 39 Issue 3).

A3. Krista McQueeney, ‘“We are God’s Children, Y’All:” Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Lesbian- and Gay-Affirming Congregations‘ (2009).


2. The Church and the early gay liberation movement

B1. Heather R. White, ‘The Ecclesiastical Wing of the Lavender Revolution’: Religion and Sexual Identity Organising in the USA, 1946-1976′ (2018)

B2. Bernard Schlager, Christ and the Homosexual: An Early Manifesto for an Affirming Christian Ministry to Homosexuals’ (2018)


3. Typologies of religious feminism in North America

C1. Christine L. M. Gervais, ‘Canadian Women Religious’ Negotiation of Feminism and Catholicism‘ (2012).

C2. Lynn Resnick Dufour, ‘The Creation of Jewish Feminist Identities‘ (2000).

C3. Meena Sharify-Funk & Munira Kassam Haddad, ‘Where do Women Stand in Islam?’(2012).


4. One or two sexes? Two models to conceptualize gender and sexuality in Christian tradition

D.1 Adrian Thatcher, ‘Theological Amnesia and Same-Sex Love’ (2018).


5. The significance of religious discourse in American sexuality politics

E1. John Blevins, ‘Broadening the Family of God: Debating Same-sex Marriage and Queer Families in America‘ (2005).


6. Reading gender in the Hebrew Scriptures

F1. Jerome Gellman: ‘Gender and Sexuality in the Garden of Eden‘, Theology and Sexuality vol. 12 no. 3 (2006).

F2. Steven Greenberg, ‘The Birth of Gender of Desire‘ (2004).

F3. Jill Hammer: Feminist Midrash taken from Sisters at Sinai: New Tales of Biblical Women (The Jewish Publication Society, 2004). Introduction, “Havdalah” and “Myriam under the Mountain” + notes.


7. Queering Scripture

G1. Jill Hammer, ‘Queering the Torah: The Role of Contemporary Midrash In Claiming Revelation for LGBTQ Jews‘ (2017)

G2. Sean D. Burke, ‘Queering Early Christian Discourse: The Ethiopian Eunuch’ (2011)

G3. Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle, ‘Sexuality, Diversity, and Ethics in the Agenda of Progressive Muslims’ (2003)


 8. The politics of hermeneutics in Britain and North America

H1. Deryn Guest, ‘Battling for the Bible: Academy, Church and the Gay Agenda‘ (2001).

H2. Juliane Hammer, ‘Identity, Authority, and Activism: American Muslim Women Approach the Qur’an‘ (2008).


9. Inclusive language

I1. Esther McIntosh, ‘The Possibility of a Gender-Transcendent God: Taking Macmurray Forward‘ (2007).

I2. Ellen Clark-King, ‘The Divine Call to Be Myself: Anglican Transgender Women and Prayer‘ (2016).


10. Religious sexuality politics

J1. Steven Greenberg, chapter 9 of Wrestling with God and Men : Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition (the book is available at the university library – reading the introduction is necessary to situate the author’s discourse) (2004).

J2. Wendy Cadge et al, ‘How Denominational Resources Influence Debate in Mainline Protestant Congregations‘ (2005).

J3. Mark Chapman, ‘“Homosexual practice” and the Anglican Communion: A Case Study in Theology and Identity‘ (2017).