Students will have to sit for the following tests and exams in the semester. Those who do not turn up on one of these dates (no matter why) will get the equivalent of a 0 for the corresponding quizz or exam.
19th October 2017 – Quizz 1 (1/6 of your final mark)
9th November 2017 – Exam 1 – text commentary (1/3 of your final mark)
7th December 2017 – Quizz 2 (1/6 of your final mark)
21st December 2017 – Exam 2 – text commentary (1/3 of your final mark)
Please note: Those students whose final mark in less than 10 can take the “examen de 2e session (rattrapage)” in June (date and place to be announced in May). If the June mark is better, it will replace the initial mark. The June exam consists in a text commentary.